Thursday, February 23, 2012

Button mushroom and minced meat Quiche

-          100gm Plain flour
-          50ml milk
-          2 large eggs
-          ½ teaspoon of salt

Part I (marinate for 10 minutes
-          200gm minced meat (pork,chicken or beef)
-          freshly ground pepper
-          1 tablespoon corn flour
-          1/4 teaspoon of salt
-          Soya sauce, oyster sauce, BBQ sauce to taste

Part ii
-          100gm button mushrooms, thinly sliced
-          1 medium Onion finely chopped
-          2 tablespoons cooking oil
-          1 tablespoon mixed herbs
-          2 tablespoon of shredded parmesan cheese
-          Remain some cheese for topping

1.        To mix ingredient A, in a mixing bowl break the 2 eggs inside, beat lightly add in milk, salt then 
         the flour, mix well and set aside.
2.       Marinate ingredient B part i for 10 minutes.
3.       Fry ingredient B part ii, in a frying pan,  put in the oil, pour in the onion fry for 1 minute then
        fold in the mix herbs fry for another 1 minute then fold in the mushrooms stir fry for 20 sec. 
        Lastly pour in the marinated meat and continue to stir fry for at least 5 minutes to ensure the
        mixture is cooked, dry & fragrance.
4.       Prepare the baking tray, pre-heat the oven 160 degree F,
5.       Pour the mixture into the baking tray, top with shredded cheese.
6.        bake for 10-15 minutes depending on the depth of your baking tray. 
         The thinner tray will take shorter time to bake.

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